Behind the Image

I admit it, I'm not the best at writing. Since high school, writing has always felt as if someone was literally trying to pull something out of me. I was never the best with the written word, but was never really instructed on how to improve. So from that point on, I have avoided anything that has to do with writing. 

Recently, I have been trying to develop a better skill set and improve on many of my weaknesses. Writing is definitely one of my top properties.

On my site, I am going to be putting together a new series called "Behind the Image" The goal of this series is to take some of my favorite images and break them down as to why they are my favorites. As a photographer, the stories behind images has always been the most fascinating for me. And honestly, it's the stories that make an image what it is.

A frame is a frame for a reason. But let's go beyond the edges, shall we? I'll give you the story, my thought process, the technical side of it, and some form of compositional insight. A simple idea right? 

The goal of the series is to get my writing to an average acceptable level. And the best way to do this is by telling my side of the story and telling you about my images (as I most often like to do). Hope you enjoy this series, and let's see how far we can take this.